Monday, July 15, 2013

Longggggggggg time ^^

I still try to find way to blogland he he
I think a little bit a day,may be worked for me
Banana muffin with choc chip and three kinds oe sesame
black,white and round one
made this very unique taste.
another pile of cotton I just found in our local market
some are going with me to England for sister in law
Enjoy your day

Friday, February 1, 2013

flowers N fabrics

Hi friends...

I'm back ^0^ with some flowers from my garden.

It's very beautiful weather here ,so my happy time again in little garden

this year I thought ,I'll try to plant more both veggie and flowers

ei ei I've become more confidence with my ever green fingers

roses are blooming ,some turned to be my mixed flower tea
I've got these last two flowers from "The royal project" Fair last month
They seem grow quite well even with fluctuated temperature (12 - 30 C)
It will be air dried and turn to be tea with honey *__*"
how beautiful color
two kinds of roses ,local type
sometime I put them on top of my salad dish
safe,pretty and yummy
mixed up in jam jar
sorry,I forgot to take photo of them in tea cup ^,,^
I went to market yesterday and back home with a pile of cotton fabrics
have no idea what to make yet
but collect fabric is one of my pleasure,I guess you guys would have the same enthusiasm
and 9 metres of this prints to make  bed sheet and pillow cases
The color is not really my kind but just want to change my habit from sweet color
and Mr.G would love to change from flowery or pinky shade once in a (longgg) while.